Classification process

The Emission Classification of Building Materials can only be granted by Rakennustieto. In addition to laboratory tests, an application for classification is always required. The application must include both the test report and the requested information about the product(s). Classification applications are submitted for processing through the application portal and are processed confidentially by an impartial classification committee.

If the products to be classified are very similar in terms of use and physical and chemical properties, they may be classified as a product group. The product grouping should be done before the testing and classification application phase, so that the classification committee can select the product(s) to be tested and thus minimize testing costs.

Figure below shows an overview of the classification process, the different stages of the process are explained in more detail in the sections How to apply and the different application types, Product grouping, and Testing and classification criteria.

The classification is applied using the application portal

All applications are submitted through the application portal. The application portal can be accessed only with personal credentials, which are created the first time you log in. By submitting an application, the applicant agrees to pay Rakennustieto Oy the valid classification fee and any other fees related to the granting of the classification. 

Applications must be submitted no later than four (4) working days before the classification meeting.  Please do not combine several different products or product groups in one application. If the application requires supplementation or additional information, it will be requested from the contact person of the application  before the classification meeting. If the application does not contain all the information necessary for processing, it will not be presented in the classification meeting until all the necessary information has been submitted. All documents and information submitted will be treated confidentially. Classification meetings are held once a month (excluding July) and the dates of upcoming meetings can be found in the application portal. Normally, the decisions of the classification committee and the classification documents of approved applications are delivered to the e-mail address indicated in the application within two (2) weeks of the meeting.

The validity of the continuation and renewal periods of the classification continues from where the previous classification period ends. I.e., the applicant does not lose out by applying for a continuation or renewal of the classification before the end of the classification period, nor wins anything by applying for an extension late. Continuation and renewal applications can be submitted approximately six (6) months before the classification expires.

If you are looking to M1-classify several products that are very similar in terms of use, physical and chemical properties, please see first section Product grouping.

New classification application

If a product is not yet M1-classified, the manufacturer or importer may apply for an M1 Emission Classification after successful emission testing in an approved testing laboratory. When applying for the classification, the test report shall not be older than one (1) year. The following information is attached to the new classification application:

  • product information
    • each product name associated with the application are added as individual products
    • ≤ 5 products are added individually to the application using the "Add a new product" button
    • for applications with more than five (5) products, use the import template downloadable from the application form (select "Mass Import of Product Information", download the Excel template, and fill it in according to the instructions), which is attached to the application
    • different packaging sizes, etc., of a single product are not considered separate products → enter the product and GTIN codes related to a single product name under the same product name, separated by a semicolon (;)
  • technical data sheet and/or user manual (or a technical brochure)
  • safety data sheet (applicable only for products classified as chemicals)
  • test report(s) in accordance with the M1 protocol (no more than one year old)

M1 Classification of a private label product

All M1 Classifications of private label products shall be applied by the company selling or distributing the product under their brand. This ensures that the right to use the classification label is granted to the company marketing the product as theirs, and that customers looking for M1-classified products in the M1 database will find the product under the name of the company marketing and distributing the product under their brand.

No new tests are required if the private label product is identical to the product already approved to the M1, and the holder of the original certificate authorizes the use of their classification and test results as the basis of the classification of the private label product. The M1 certificate of the private label product is valid for the same time as the original certificate, and this might be less than the normal three (3) years, depending on the time point the original product was classified.

Continuation and renewal applications of the M1 Classification for the private label product should be coordinated between the manufacturer and the private label customer so that the applications are in sync. The classification fee for a private label classification is the same as for any product.

If the application for M1 Classification of a private label product is based on the M1 Classification of the manufacturer’s original product, the following documentation shall be attached to the private label product’s classification application:

  • product information for the private label product
    • each product name associated with the application are added as individual products
    • ≤ 5 products are added individually to the application using the "Add a new product" button
    • for applications with more than five (5) products, use the import template downloadable from the application form (select "Mass Import of Product Information", download the Excel template, and fill it in according to the instructions), which is attached to the application
    • different packaging sizes, etc., of a single product are not considered separate products → enter the product and GTIN codes related to a single product name under the same product name, separated by a semicolon (;)
  • technical data sheet and/or user manual (or a technical brochure) for the private label product
  • safety data sheet for the private label product (applicable only for products classified as chemicals)
  • manufacturer’s signed and dated authorization to use their M1 Classification and test report(s) as the basis for the private label's M1 application
    • the private label applicant does not need the original test report for their M1 application
    • if preferred, this document can be emailed directly to Rakennustieto by the manufacturer
  • manufacturer’s signed and dated declaration of equivalence of composition, raw materials, and manufacturing process of product names
    • document shall include all relevant company and product information and clearly state which product names are parallel to each other
    • this document can also be included in the authorization document described above
    • if preferred, this document can be emailed directly to Rakennustieto by the manufacturer

Classification continuation application

If there have been no changes in the manufacturing method, composition, or other characteristics of the product during the first 3-year classification period, the validity of the classification can be extended by a continuation application for one 3-year period without retesting. Continuation application can be submitted well in advance, approximately six (6) months before the classification expires. The validity of the continuation period of the classification continues from where the previous classification period ends, i.e. the applicant does not lose out by applying for a continuation before the end of the classification period, nor wins anything by applying for an extension late. The following information is attached to the classification continuation application:

  • product information
    • each product name associated with the application are added as individual products
    • ≤ 5 products are added individually to the application using the "Add a new product" button
    • for applications with more than five (5) products, use the import template downloadable from the application form (select "Mass Import of Product Information", download the Excel template, and fill it in according to the instructions), which is attached to the application
    • different packaging sizes, etc., of a single product are not considered separate products → enter the product and GTIN codes related to a single product name under the same product name, separated by a semicolon (;)
  • technical data sheet and/or user manual (or a technical brochure)
  • safety data sheet (applicable only for products classified as chemicals)
  • manufacturer’s signed and dated statement of the changes made to the product(s) and their manufacturing process since the last application/testing
    • the document shall include all product and company names relevant to this M1 application as well as when was the previous testing done
  • previous test report(s) in accordance with the M1 protocol (the same report used for the application of the first classification period)

Classification renewal application

Once the product has been M1-classified for a total of six (3+3) years, the product must be tested again and the classification renewed. When applying for the classification, the test report shall not be older than one (1) year. Renewal application can be submitted well in advance, approximately six (6) months before the classification expires. The validity of the renewal period of the classification continues from where the previous classification period ends, i.e. the applicant does not lose out by applying for a renewal before the end of the classification period, nor wins anything by applying for an extension late. The following information is attached to the classification renewal application:

  • product information
    • each product name associated with the application are added as individual products
    • ≤ 5 products are added individually to the application using the "Add a new product" button
    • for applications with more than five (5) products, use the import template downloadable from the application form (select "Mass Import of Product Information", download the Excel template, and fill it in according to the instructions), which is attached to the application
    • different packaging sizes, etc., of a single product are not considered separate products → enter the product and GTIN codes related to a single product name under the same product name, separated by a semicolon (;)
  • technical data sheet and/or user manual (or a technical brochure)
  • safety data sheet (applicable only for products classified as chemicals)
  • test report(s) in accordance with the M1 protocol (no more than one year old)

Product groups should be brought to the classification committee for evaluation before retesting, so that the classification committee can select product(s) for testing. When renewing a classification, the tested products in product groups are always redefined by the classification committee, even if there have been no changes in the product group.


Voluntary limit value examination

It is possible to combine the M1 Classification with a voluntary emission limit value examination, for the purpose of verifying compliance with the indoor air emission criteria of EU taxonomy or SINTEF approval. The limit value examination can be ordered both as part of the normal classification process (i.e. when making changes to an existing classification decision or when applying for a new classification or continuation/renewal of an old classification) and during an ongoing classification period. The limit value examination is included in the M1 certificate is only available in Finnish and English.

Depending on the intended use, the limit value examination can have two different scopes:

  • emission of formaldehyde < 60 μg/m³ and emissions of carcinogenic compounds < 1 μg/m³ (scope required for taxonomy reporting)
  • emission of formaldehyde < 60 μg/m³, emissions of carcinogenic compounds < 1 μg/m³, and total volatile organic compound (TVOC) < 300 μg/m³ (scope suitable for taxonomy and SINTEF)

All new tests carried out in accordance with the M1 test protocol, as well as all tests of products with valid M1 Classification, serve as such as a basis for the examination of limit values. Thus, the limit value examination does not require new tests, but it is a prerequisite that the existing test report contains all the necessary information and is available.

The limit value examination is ordered through the application form. If the limit value examination is ordered during an ongoing classification period without any changes to the content of the classification, the following information shall be included in the application:

  • product information
    • each product name associated with the application are added as individual products
    • ≤ 5 products are added individually to the application using the "Add a new product" button
    • for applications with more than five (5) products, use the import template downloadable from the application form (select "Mass Import of Product Information", download the Excel template, and fill it in according to the instructions), which is attached to the application
    • different packaging sizes, etc., of a single product are not considered separate products → enter the product and GTIN codes related to a single product name under the same product name, separated by a semicolon (;)
  • the classification decision to which the limit value examination is to be added
  • the scope of the examination and the desired language versions
  • previous test report(s) in accordance with the M1 protocol (the same report used for applying for the current classification)

Product grouping application

Please see section Product grouping.

Parallel product name

It is possible to add parallel product name(s) both when applying for a classification and during an ongoing classification period. Parallel product names are identical (i.e. 100% the same) in composition and manufacturing process. If the products are only similar (i.e. the composition is very similar, but some modifications have been done) in composition and manufacturing process, they are not parallel product names, but can form a product group. When adding a parallel product name, the following documentation is attached to the application:

  • product information for the parallel product name
    • each product name associated with the application are added as individual products
    • ≤ 5 products are added individually to the application using the "Add a new product" button
    • for applications with more than five (5) products, use the import template downloadable from the application form (select "Mass Import of Product Information", download the Excel template, and fill it in according to the instructions), which is attached to the application
    • different packaging sizes, etc., of a single product are not considered separate products → enter the product and GTIN codes related to a single product name under the same product name, separated by a semicolon (;)
  • technical data sheet and/or user manual (or a technical brochure) for the parallel product name
  • safety data sheet for the parallel product name (applicable only for products classified as chemicals)
  • manufacturer’s signed and dated declaration of equivalence of composition and manufacturing process of parallel product names
    • the document shall include the company information and clearly indicate which names correspond to each other

Change in an existing product group

Changes (additions or deletions) to a product group can be proposed both when applying for the classification and during an ongoing classification period. When proposing an addition to a product group, the following documentation is attached to the application:

  • product information for the product(s) to be added
    • each product name associated with the application are added as individual products
    • ≤ 5 products are added individually to the application using the "Add a new product" button
    • for applications with more than five (5) products, use the import template downloadable from the application form (select "Mass Import of Product Information", download the Excel template, and fill it in according to the instructions), which is attached to the application
    • different packaging sizes, etc., of a single product are not considered separate products → enter the product and GTIN codes related to a single product name under the same product name, separated by a semicolon (;)
  • technical data sheet and/or user manual (or a technical brochure) for the product(s) to be added
  • safety data sheet for the product(s) to be added (applicable only for products classified as chemicals)
  • previous test report(s) in accordance with the M1 protocol (the same report used for applying for the current classification)
    • if the product to be added has been tested in accordance with the M1 protocol, please also provide this report
  • an updated product grouping spreadsheet
    • the spreadsheet shall contain details of both the new products and the products already in the product group
    • both proposed additions and tested product(s) shall be clearly marked

If product names are also deleted in connection with the addition, information on the products to be removed shall be added to the above-mentioned application for addition. If products need to be removed from a product group during an ongoing classification period without any further changes to the group, see the section Removing a product from the classification .

Change in product name

The name of a classified product can be changed both when applying for a classification and during an ongoing classification period. For those looking for M1-classified products to find the products in the M1 database, it is advisable update the product name as soon as possible after the change has entered into force or even before the change takes place (if necessary, both the new and the old names can be M1-classified at the same time, see the section Parallel product name. When changing the name of the product, the following documentation is attached to the application:

  • product information for the new product name
    • each product name associated with the application are added as individual products
    • ≤ 5 products are added individually to the application using the "Add a new product" button
    • for applications with more than five (5) products, use the import template downloadable from the application form (select "Mass Import of Product Information", download the Excel template, and fill it in according to the instructions), which is attached to the application
    • different packaging sizes, etc., of a single product are not considered separate products → enter the product and GTIN codes related to a single product name under the same product name, separated by a semicolon (;)
  • technical data sheet and/or user manual (or a technical brochure) for the new product name
  • safety data sheet for the new product name (applicable only for products classified as chemicals)
  • manufacturer’s signed and dated declaration regarding the name change and equivalence of composition and manufacturing process of product names
    • the document shall include the company information and clearly indicate which names correspond to each other

Change in company information or transfer of classification to another company

Changes can be made to the information of the classification holder both when applying for a classification and during an ongoing classification period. For those looking for M1-classified products to find the products in the M1 database, the details of the classification holder should be updated as soon as possible after the change has entered into force. When changing the details of the classification holder, the following documentation is attached to the application:

  • product information
    • each product name associated with the application are added as individual products
    • ≤ 5 products are added individually to the application using the "Add a new product" button
    • for applications with more than five (5) products, use the import template downloadable from the application form (select "Mass Import of Product Information", download the Excel template, and fill it in according to the instructions), which is attached to the application
    • different packaging sizes, etc., of a single product are not considered separate products → enter the product and GTIN codes related to a single product name under the same product name, separated by a semicolon (;)
  • technical data sheet and/or user manual (or a technical brochure) issued by the new company
  • safety data sheet issued by the new company (applicable only for products classified as chemicals)
  • signed and dated statement regarding the change in company information and its impact on composition and manufacturing process of product(s)
    • the document shall include details of both companies (or old and new details of the company) and clearly indicate which products are affected

Change in the composition or the manufacturing process of the product

If changes are made to the composition or to the manufacturing process of the product that may have an impact on the emissions of the product, Rakennustieto must be notified of these changes in advance. Based on the information provided, the classification committee assesses whether the product or product group needs to be retested or not. When submitting a notification of changes, the following documentation is attached to the application:

  • product information
    • each product name associated with the application are added as individual products
    • ≤ 5 products are added individually to the application using the "Add a new product" button
    • for applications with more than five (5) products, use the import template downloadable from the application form (select "Mass Import of Product Information", download the Excel template, and fill it in according to the instructions), which is attached to the application
    • different packaging sizes, etc., of a single product are not considered separate products → enter the product and GTIN codes related to a single product name under the same product name, separated by a semicolon (;)
  • technical data sheet and/or user manual (or a technical brochure)
    • if the TDS and/or user manual changes because of the product change, both the old and the new versions of the TDS shall be provided
  • safety data sheet (applicable only for products classified as chemicals)
    • if the SDS changes because of the product change, both the old and the new versions of the SDS shall be provided
  • previous test report(s) in accordance with the M1 protocol (the same report used for applying for the current classification)
    • if the new composition has been tested in accordance with the M1 protocol, please also provide this report
  • updated product grouping spreadsheet (if applicable)
  • manufacturer’s signed and dated statement of the changes in composition and manufacturing process of the product and the possible impact on the product's emissions
    • the document shall include company information, all the product names associated with the application and the date of the change(s)

Removing a product from the M1 Classification

The holder of the classification may relinquish the Emission Classification of a product during ongoing classification period, if for instance the product is discontinued. As a result, the product is removed from the M1 database and the right to use the classification label is cancelled. The removal notification shall include a list of product names to be removed.

Product grouping

If the products to be classified are very similar in terms of use, physical and chemical properties, they may be classified as a product group. Please note that different thicknesses or colours/designs of a product with identical (i.e. 100% same) construction (e.g. a gypsum board manufactured in thicknesses 13 mm and 18 mm) is not a product group. For products such as these the thickest version must be tested. Nearly all product types can form product groups, but typical product types to form product groups are for instance screed-type products (e.g. levelling compounds, screeds, fillers, putties and mortars), flooring products, insulation, construction boards, fixtures and furniture, and paint-type products (e.g. paints, varnishes and coatings).

Product groups are formed free of charge by the classification committee based on the applicant's proposal. The similarity required for product grouping depends on the type of product, but, for example, the product grouping of fixed furniture is based on core material (e.g. chipboard and MDF products are in their own groups) and surface treatment (e.g. melamine and painted products are in their own groups). When assessing a product group, the classification committee also decides which product(s) should be tested so that the whole group can be M1-classified based on that testing.

So that the classification committee can assess with sufficient accuracy the chemical similarity and emission potential of the products in the proposed product group, detailed compositional information is needed for the product grouping. Safety data sheets and technical data sheet alone do not provide sufficient information for product grouping, but more detailed prescription information is needed for this. Like all information provided during the classification process, information related to product grouping is treated confidentially. Product type-specific product grouping templates can be requested from the Product Manager of the M1 Classification.

Product grouping application

Product grouping applications (one application per product group) are submitted through the application portal and shall include the following documentation:

  • product grouping spreadsheet with detailed product composition information
    • make sure to include all products you are looking to get M1-classified into the spreadsheet
    • if products are manufactured for instance with different surface treatment options (e.g. both painted and varnished), all possible combinations shall be included in the spreadsheet)
  • technical data sheets and/or user manuals (or a technical brochure) for each product proposed into the group
  • safety data sheet (applicable only for products classified as chemicals) for each product proposed into the group
  • technical data sheets and safety data sheets for possible surface treatment products (e.g. paints, varnishes, fire retardants)

Once the product grouping application has been processed and the applicant has been provided with information on which product(s) should be tested (generally within two weeks of the meeting in which the application has been evaluated), the applicant may contact any of the approved laboratories to arrange testing. The laboratory will provide more detailed instructions for sampling, sample delivery etc. Testing fees are paid directly to the testing laboratory by the applicant, Rakennustieto is not involved in the testing or its costs. After successful testing, M1 Classification application for the product group is submitted through the application portal. The classification fee of a product group is based on the number of products in the group.